The moon stands in the center of the light of the full moon and dark of the new moon.

The Cancer waning moon asks us to pause, reflect, assess. It is a good time to release resistance to dedication and practicality. When we started the moonth in Virgo we focused on developing routines and healthy habits. Now that the Virgo moonth is coming to end in a week, ask yourself how can you sustain your routines and healthy habits? How can you be more dedicated and practical?
What about Cancer?
Cancer is known to take a leadership role in the areas of home, family, emotional awareness, and nourishment. The Cancer influence is sympathetic and emotional. Cancers trust their gut instincts. Cancer has a need to give and receive emotional warmth and support. The archetypes of Cancer are the mother, the healer, the caregiver. When Cancer is on a downward spiral the energy is insecure, fearful, and defensive. The tarot card associated with Cancer is The Chariot. It symbolizes an intuitive and resourceful leader. The Chariot goes on a practical quest to protect their personal business and home.
Cancer is Cardinal Water - AKA Queen of Cups

The Cancer Mood
When the moon is in Cancer the mood is tender and guarded. We are drawn to connect with our gentle side and process our emotional inventory. Be warm and considerate. Respect other people's boundaries. Let your boss know you are doing your share of the work. Nurture and reassure friends, family, and co-workers. Feel free to pour out positive feedback for good work. Make your home comfortable and safe. Listen to your gut instincts. Nourish yourself. Take long hot baths.
Cancer Waning Moon
The Cancer waning moon invites you to release resistance to dedication and practicality. The tools of the time are imagination and spirituality.
Release resistance to dedication and practicality
Reflect and Assess
Take a look at your intentions and notes from the Virgo new moon and consider what is asking to be released. What can you cut away to make room space for your Virgo intentions to manifest. Also, what can you release to make room to set your Libra intentions next week?
Cancer Waning Moon Tarot Spread
Take out your tarot cards from the Virgo New Moon Tarot Spread, find your Cancer Waning Moon (card 4) and place it in position number one. Or just shuffle your deck and ask:

What do you let go of as the moon wanes in Cancer? (Use card 4 from the Virgo New Moon Tarot Spread or any card if you didn't participate)
What are you dedicated to?
In what ways can you be more practical?
What routine will help you reach a goal?
How can you sustain your routines and healthy habits?
Virgo Moonth Cycle Review
This year the Virgo new moon starts off in adaptable and flexible mutable energy. It is an ideal time to make changes to develop healthy routines and habits. Take time to determine which aspects of your life need change. The waxing moon is also in a mutable sign influencing us to be resourceful. It gives us the energy to integrate lessons learned when making choices for the future.
The full, waning, and next new moons are all in initiating and ambitious cardinal energy. The cardinal influence will move us to start new projects. Or, to go back and pick up abandoned projects started in the past.
Virgo New Moon - The Virgo new moon invites you to develop routines and healthy habits. The tools of the time are practicality and stability.
Sagittarius Waxing Moon – The Sagittarius waxing moon invites you to nourish your faith and adventure. The tools of the time are inspiration and passion.
Aries Full Moon - The Aries full moon invites you to celebrate your confidence and courage. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity.
Cancer Waning Moon - The Cancer waning moon invites you to release resistance to dedication and practicality. The tools of the time are imagination and spirituality.
Libra Next New Moon - The Libra next new moon invites you to develop relationships and partnerships. The tools of the time are communication and intellect.
Next Up is the Libra New Moon on 10/14/23
New Moon Intention Setting Workshop on Saturday, October 14th
Learn about the Libra attributes, set intentions centered around partnerships, relationships, and bringing balance to your life. And work with tarot to keep you centered and focused through out the new moon cycle.
