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Dark Moon in Capricorn

The moon has now gone round the zodiac and returned back to Capricorn. This time is known as the dark moon and the balsamic crescent moon. It encourages introspection, meditation, and divination.

Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign that influences us to initiate action in the material world. It has a need for structure, organization and social accomplishment.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the ringed planet of limitations, hurdles, karma, and lessons. It has the capacity to create order, form and discipline.

Capricorn Tarot Cards

The Devil, Saturn, Tarot Card, Tabula Mundi
Tabula Mundi Tarot - The Devil


The Devil

The Devil is firmly rooted in the material world and closely associated with both the pleasures and pain of physical existence. The Devil demonstrates that an obsession with outward appearances can imprison the spirit in the material world. The Devil card symbolizes physical pleasures, wild behavior, life out of balance, materialism, addictions, and oppression.

The Devil image is from the Tabula Mundi Tarot. Entitled as Lord of the Gates of Matter; Child of the Forces of Time. This card represents the impulse toward the un-lived potential. Awaken and acknowledge the shadow within to master manifest form.

Tabula Mundi Tarot, The Universe, The World, Saturn
Tabula Mundi Tarot - The Universe


The World

The ringed planet of limitations is at home on Earth with its scientific law and principals of reason. The World suggests a universe of possibilities, Saturn's connections serve as a reminder that reasonable people recognize their limits and make wise choices to make the most out of time and space.

The Universe image is from the Tabula Mundi Tarot. It is entitled as The Great One of the Night of Time. This card represents completion and accomplishment. The planted seed has sprouted and grown to maturity, bearing fruit.

Take a few long deep breaths.

On the inhale visualize your intentions manifested.

On the exhale visualize yourself releasing the things that no longer fit in the life you envision for yourself.

Continue for as long as you wish,

Now it’s time for some Burning and Banishing

Herb Craft

Things you will need:

  1. Fireproof bowl (or pot)

  2. Bay Leaves (or paper)

  3. Sharpie or Pen

  4. Matches or candle

The Ritual

  • Write out things you wish to banish on the bay leaves or paper. Be specific, for example: “release fear about X” “banish limiting belief about X” instead of "fear" or "limiting belief". Limit this to 10.

  • Take the Bay leaf (or paper) and light with the flame from the matches or candle, saying out loud (or quietly) what you have written. For example: “I hereby release all fear about X”, or “I banish limiting beliefs about X"

  • Drop the leaves onto the fireproof bowl or pot, and visualize the attachments being broken.

  • After you are done banishing these energies, invite a peaceful vibe back into your space by putting on some music you can dance to, doing a little shimmy shake, and expressing gratitude for all that is well and good in your life.

For most potent results do this BEFORE the exact time of the New Moon in Aquarius on Thursday, February 11th at 2:06 pm ET.

New Moon in Aquarius circle is coming up on Friday February 12th at 7pm.

I created two Aquarius Moonth Workbooks full of all things Aquarius.

Requires you to dedicate 30-60 minutes a week and financial commitment.

Requires you dedicate 15-30 minutes once per month and no financial commitment.

Check out Shelia Belanger's Astrology Alchemy Podcast episode #91. Its only 18 minutes.

She shares some good insights for this week and the new moon coming up on Thursday.

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