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Writer's pictureYez

Full Moon in Leo

Celebrate Your Courage

The moon becomes Full in Leo on Saturday February 5th at 1:28pm ET.

The Full Moon is the climax of the moonthly cycle. It is the time in the moonthly cycle when the moon is at it's brightest. It can shine light on the deepest parts of ourselves that we can't usually see or that we choose to suppress. Take the next few days to look within, nourish yourself, celebrate your courage. Notice your hindrances and shed what no longer makes sense in your life.

Leo Moon Mood

When the moon is in Leo the mood is open-hearted, generous, romantic, stubborn, and expressive. Schedule a presentation. Tell a story. Promote yourself or your endeavors. Help others feel special and appreciated. Practice gratitude. Socialize. Do anything that engages this temporary extroverted time and requires flair, creativity, and courage.

Leo Major Arcana Cards



Represents courage, Self-discipline, and Determination. The energy is generous, warm, dramatic, optimistic, honorable, frank, and energetic. The card emits a sense of fearlessness.

"The more we praise and celebrate our lives, the more we have to praise and celebrate." -Oprah

Planetary Ruler

The Sun

Our source of light and life energy. The sun represents our ego and the self. It symbolizes confidence, self-esteem, willpower and purpose. It suggests vitality.


Long View

Did you set intentions at the Leo new moon back in August? If you did, go to your notes and review your intentions, goals, wishes.

Have any of them come to fruition? Yes? Great! You are focused on what you want. No? do you still want to work on that? Is it aligned with what you want now? If not, let it go, throw it into the fire. If yes, be like Aquarius and do things in an innovative or unconventional way to make your intentions/goals/wishes a reality.

Short View

Review your Aquarius new moon intentions. Celebrate your progress. Release what is no longer in alignment with your path.

Today View

Close your eyes.

Take a deep breath in 1, 2, 3, 4

Hold it 1, 2, 3, 4,

Breathe out 1, 2, 3, 4,

Repeat as many times as you wish

Shuffle your deck (or use your intuition) and ask:

  1. What peaks when the moon is full in Leo? (card 3 from #moonthlyspread)

  2. Where in my life can I be more courageous?

  3. What aspect of my life is asking me to take a risk?

  4. How can I make more room for creativity?

  5. How can I be more generous (with time, money, or kindness)?

Leo Full Moon Ritual - Charge your Spiritual Tools

The light of the Full Moon amplifies everything with the energy of manifestation. This is why many coven's meet on the full moon to perform their magical rituals.

  • Take out your crystals, rosaries, tarot, and oracle decks (etc) and cleanse them with the scared smoke of sage, cedar, copal or whatever is native to where you live. The important thing is cleanse with the intention of clearing and neutralizing energies from the tools.

  • To charge your spiritual tools take them outside where they can get the energy of the moon (a window sill will also do).

  • For each spiritual tool state your intention and add something like "I invite the light and manifestation power of this Full Moon to bless and amplify this spiritual tool so it may serve its highest good. Blessed be."

  • In the morning offer a prayer of gratitude to the moon and your spiritual tools for its potent new energies.

Updated 02/14/22

Updated 02/05/23

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