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Pisces Full Moon

Writer: YezYez

The Full Moon is the climax of the new moon cycle. The moon is at its brightest and shines light on the parts we keep hidden. The Pisces full moon invites you to celebrate the life you have now. To trust your intentional focus will direct you towards all the things you want. The tools of the time are spirituality and imagination.

Aquarius Full Moon, glyph and constellation, the water bearer,  innovation

What about Pisces?

Pisces focuses on the inner world of dreams, hopes, and fantasies. Pisces is imaginative and artistic. Pisces approaches situations with the tools of Water: emotions, intuition, and spiritualty. The Pisces symbol is the Fish. The glyph symbolizes fish swimming in the opposite directions of reality and fantasy. Pisces is charitable, compassionate, and romantic. Pisces invites in a need to commit oneself to a dream and adapt to make it happen. Pisces makes time to imagine an ideal life for itself. Pisces uses the wisdom of the previous eleven zodiac signs to bring their dreams to reality. Pisces is all about IMAGINATION.

The Moon in Pisces

When the moon is in Pisces the mood is sensitive, delicate, and vulnerable. It makes us aware, sometimes uncomfortably of our emotions. It is a good time to meditate and contemplate. Dream up plans for the moonth ahead. Use divination tools like the tarot, pendulum, and crystal balls, etc. Start, keep, and or update a dream journal. Make time to rest and integrate the lessons of the previous signs.

Pisces is Mutable Water aka the Knight of Cups
Knight of Cups, Mutable Water - feed your imagination

Pisces Full Moon

The Pisces full moon invites you to celebrate the life you have now. To trust your intentional focus will direct you towards all the things you want. The tools of the time are spirituality and imagination. Meditate on the direction you would like your life to take.

Journal Question:

Is where you are at the moment a cause for celebration or forgiveness?

We are under the Leo New Moon Umbrella which is all about how develop self-assuredness and courage. The Sagittarius waxing moon brought our attention to optimism and creativity. The Pisces full moon is encouraging us to have big dreams and hopes for our future.

What role does imagination play in your life? For me, imagination is second nature. I can usually see what something can become in the future. The artist Michelangelo famously said "every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."

Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.
New Moon Intention Journal available on Amazon
The Pisces full moon invites you to celebrate the life you have now. Trust your intentional focus will direct you towards all the things you want and need.

Review Your Pisces New Moon Intentions

The Pisces New Moon was on February 18th, 2023

Books and notes to review new moon intentions

Did you set intentions at the Pisces new moon back in February 2023?

If you didn't, think about what you were up to in the middle of February. If you can't remember (that was six months ago!) go into your calendar or do a search on your phone to see the pictures you took around that time to jog your memory.

If you did, go to your notes and review your intentions, goals, or wishes. Have any of them come to fruition? Yes? Great! You are focused on what you want.

No? do you still want to work on that? Is it aligned with what you want now? If not, let it go, throw it into the fire. Walking away from things is totally okay. It is one way of getting clear about what we want in our lives.

Take a moment to breathe in some fresh energy to your power center. Call on Pisces imaginative and spiritual energy to make an . If it feels good, continue working on it. If you feel discomfort then go back and re-work your intention or scrap it.

Pisces Full Moon Spread

Pick out card number 3 from your Leo New Moon spread and place it in the center as card number one. Shuffle your deck and ask...

yesspiral pisces full  moon tarot spread

  1. What do you celebrate/forgive at the Pisces full moon? (Use card 3 from the new moon spread?

  2. What change do you imagine for yourself?

  3. How does your spiritual practice help your life?

  4. What dream are you committed to?

  5. What role do emotions play in your life?

Leo Moonth Cycle Review

This year the Leo new moon starts us off in steady and persistent fixed energy. The waxing, full, waning, and next new moons are ALL in adaptable and flexible mutable signs. We are invited to determine which aspects of our lives require change. Mutable energy is resourceful and integrates lessons learned when making choices for the future.

  1. Leo New Moon - The Leo new moon invites you to develop self-assuredness and the courage to follow your instincts. The tools of the time are personal will and creativity.

  2. Sagittarius Waxing Moon – The Sagittarius waxing moon invites you to nourish your optimism and creativity. The tools of the time are inspiration and passion.

  3. Pisces Full Moon – The Pisces full moon invites you to celebrate the life you have now. Trust your intentional focus will direct you towards all the things you want. The tools of the time are spirituality and imagination.

  4. Gemini Waning Moon – The Gemini waning moon invites you to release resistance approaching life in an open-minded way. The tools of the time are thoughts, intellect, and intention.

  5. Virgo New Moon - The Virgo next new moon invites you to develop routines, determination, and responsibility. The tools of the time practicality and stability.

Full Moons are for celebration, release, and forgiveness.

Pisces Full Moon Circle at Flower Power, NYC

Wednesday, August 30th @ 7:30 pm

Pisces Full Moon Circle at Flower Power, event


  • intimate gathering

  • reflection

  • ritual

  • sharing

  • connection

  • tarot and oracle cards

  • FUN

New Moon Intention Journals - Available on amazon



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