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SMART Goals: Design the Life You Want

Writer's picture: YezYez

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal.

A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan.

A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.”

- Greg Reid

I love the idea of having a physical representation of my ideals, intentions, and goals in the form of a vision board and as I mentioned last month manifestation requires more than just seeing pretty pictures. It requires a strategy to make it happen.

Which brings me to one of my favorite things in the world, the Tarot! I use it for all kinds of things and setting SMART goals is no exception. I looked through the deck to see which Major Arcana cards revealed themselves as advocates of goal manifestation. Here is what I came up with.

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck, The Magician

Focus your intent like the Magician.

He knows he has the power to manifest anything he sets his sights upon by focusing his intentions and desire into it. His tools are creativity (fire/wands), practicality (earth/pentacles), intellect (air/swords), and imagination (water/cups). You also have access to those same tools.

Write down your goal be as specific as possible.

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck, THe Emperor

The Emperor is all about building strong structures and foundations to maintain a sustainable empire. He invites you to define some metrics (a standard of measurement) so you can have tangible evidence your goal is manifesting. Also, achieving a metric gives you a reason to celebrate.

What metrics do you have in place to keep your goals on track?

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck, The Chariot

The Chariot is focused on reaching its destination. In this case the destination is your goal. Set your intention and take your first step in the manifestation process. Remember the universe has your back.

What actions can you take today to reach your goal?

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck, Justice

Justice is skilled at solving problems, compromising, and taking decisive action. Take a look at your goal and ask yourself if it is realistic? Does it align with your personal philosophy?

Do you have the resources and capacity to achieve the goal? If not, what are you missing?

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck, The World

The World card suggests a universe of possibilities. It also depicts a laurel wreath boundary that suggests victory lies within our values and integrity. Make your word count by setting a date and taking steps to stick to it. Which actions can you take today? Six weeks from now? Six months from now? One year from today?

What is the target accomplishment date?

SMART Goals Questions

  1. S Write down your goal be as specific as possible.

  2. M What metrics do you have in place to keep your goals on track?

  3. A What actions can you take today to reach your goal?

  4. R Do you have the resources and capacity to achieve the goal? If not, what are you missing?

  5. T What is the target accomplishment date?

Use Tarot to quickly identify challenges, strategies, wisdom, and actions to reach your goal
SMART Goals Tarot Spread
  1. Go through deck - face up - and pick a card that represents your goal.

  2. What challenges do you have to look out for?

  3. What strategies can you use to resolve those challenges?

  4. What is the wisdom of overcoming this challenge?

  5. An action point you can implement right now?

TIP: Move card number 5 to the number 1 position and find challenges, strategies, wisdom and another action.

Here is an example reading:

  1. The King of Pentacles - Start a business that provides a sustainable income (card chosen consciously)

  2. Five of Swords - The challenges are mostly in the mind (swords represent thoughts and intellect) thinking one is not good enough. Fear of what others think, etc.

  3. Ace of Wands - The strategy to overcome challenge is tap into creativity, personal expression, personal will, and enthusiasm.

  4. Wheel of Fortune - The wisdom from overcoming this challenge is that change is the only constant. Live in the present moment not what could be or in the fantasy created by the imagination.

  5. Four of Cups - An Action to implement now is to reach out to customers and offer them value.

Let me know how this method works for you in the comments section.

Or follow up by scheduling a reading with me and we'll work collaboratively to define your SMART goal, identify your challenge, strategy, wisdom, and actions to begin designing the life you want.

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